Investment Opportunity

Lincoln Eastern Bypass


The A15 Lincoln Eastern Bypass is a 7.5 km road linking the A158 Wragby Road Roundabout to the A15 at Bracebridge Heath. It is the next step towards creating a complete ring road around the city.

Designed to improve Lincoln’s infrastructure, encourage growth, minimise traffic congestion and enhance the inter-city  environment it will ensure the delivery of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan growth targets for homes and jobs around Lincoln. The Lincoln Eastern Bypass is the essential  piece of strategic infrastructure to unlock all this potential.

Development and investment opportunities include:

  • Lincoln North East Quadrant – 85 ha urban extension which includes 1,400 houses and 5 ha of employment land
  • Canwick Heath - a sustainable urban extension with concept plan to include 3,500 homes, 7 ha of employment land, district centre, local centre, schooling, green spaces and the potential for future opportunities beyond the plan period
  • The villages of Washingborough, Heighington, Branston, Bracebridge Heath with total allocations in the Local Plan for 2,138 homes.

Future opportunities include: 

  • A further phase toward a fully Lincoln orbital road and link to potential Lincoln Southern Bypass unlocking more opportunities for investors and developers
  • Lincoln South West Quadrant Sustainable Urban Extension with a potential for 2,000 homes in total including employment, schooling, community facilities and open space.


Lincolnshire County Council is committed to delivering road schemes that will help traffic flow more freely across the county so as to drive economic growth. Good roads are vital to unlocking developments that could potentially add millions to the local economy.

The £100m Lincoln Eastern Bypass (LEB) will unlock land for both housing and commercial developments around Lincoln providing both investors and developers with a number of exciting opportunities.

The scheme provides increased highways infrastructure to support the Lincolnshire Coastal Highway corridor which will assist with supporting balanced growth, securing development and providing access and connectivity in the area.

Project Promoters

Lincolnshire County Council


£600m upwards


Residential and employment



Investment Type

All types considered


2018 onwards

Planning Status

LEB at delivery, land allocations within the Local Plan, outline planning permissions in place for some sites


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