
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

In Lincolnshire, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) have fuelled innovation for local businesses for almost 50 years. These partnerships connect Lincolnshire companies with academic expertise, driving growth. Each KTP is supported by an Innovate UK Business Connect Knowledge Transfer Adviser (KTA), providing guidance. These advisers are readily available to provide support within Lincolnshire. KTP projects, steered by adept graduates known as KTP Associates, offer openings for those looking to contribute. Lincolnshire businesses benefit by bringing new skills and academic insights for strategic innovation projects. The University of Lincoln often collaborates closely, aiding in project development and graduate recruitment.

Local firms gain fresh skills and scholarly insights to spearhead strategic innovative endeavors. The University of Lincoln is often a close collaborator, assisting in project advancement and sourcing graduates. KTPs vary in length, from one to three years, to suit the intricacies of each project and the needs of the business, with the University of Lincoln having executed over 60 such projects.

Funding Research and Innovation The KTP initiative by Innovate UK is recognized globally for propelling business success through links to the UK's vast academic landscape, creating a vibrant tripartite of a business in need of expertise, a university, and a graduate.

The offerings of a KTP for your business are substantial:

  • Infusion of expertise, birth of new knowledge, increased capacity, and a nurturing of innovative culture
  • Propelling competitive edge by hastening innovation and the potential formation of Intellectual Property
  • Advantageous and cost-efficient engagement with the UK's first-rate knowledge reservoir
  • Boost in earnings via new market penetration, product innovation, productivity enhancements, and refined processes
  • The strategic insight from a seasoned Knowledge Transfer Advisor

The investment for a KTP is a collaborative effort, with Innovate UK and other government funders covering up to 75% of the costs, while the participating business contributes the balance. Financial participation varies, with third-sector organizations covering 25%, SMEs 33%, and larger or public entities 50%. With a 90% acceptance rate for applications, initiating a KTP is a promising endeavor.

Engage with our team for your strategic expansion discussions:

  • We'll connect you with the academic contingent that aligns with your requirements
  • A joint development of a project that lasts from one to three years
  • Submission of funding applications up to five times annually
  • Successful applications lead to the recruitment of a graduate as the KTP Associate
  • The Associate, though employed by the university, dedicates their efforts to your business, importing new knowledge and skills for commercial gain

The financial aspect for the business is akin to hiring a skilled graduate but includes additional benefits:

  • Access to the University of Lincoln's resources, facilities, and academic wisdom
  • A committed team to drive a strategic project forward
  • Scholarly academic guidance to enhance the project's scope and depth
  • Distributed risk of the innovation project with the funding partner
  • Potential eligibility for R&D tax credits for the business

If you would like to find out how your business could benefit from a KTP, contact the Research and Enterprise team on 0800 915 5278. Further information on the scheme can also be found here on the Business Lincolnshire website