Make UK

Make UK champions and celebrate British manufacturing and manufacturers. Together, they build a platform for the evolution of UK manufacturing.

Make UK, the Manufacturers' Organisation, is pivotal in supporting and advancing the UK manufacturing sector, driving sustainable growth and innovation. They provide comprehensive support to manufacturers through various services that foster growth, innovation, and sustainability. They offer expert employment law, health and safety, training, and development support. Make UK provides policy advocacy, research insights, and a platform for networking and collaboration among manufacturers. Their services include apprenticeship programs, productivity improvement, and sustainability initiatives. Make UK also hosts events, conferences, and training courses tailored to manufacturing. By supporting manufacturers, they aim to enhance the competitiveness and success of the UK industry.

At the core of Make UK’s mission is promoting innovation and productivity within the manufacturing sector. They understand that the manufacturing landscape is constantly evolving and strive to equip UK manufacturers with the tools and knowledge they need to stay ahead. This includes focusing on digital transformation and integrating new technologies, ensuring that UK manufacturing remains at the cutting edge globally.

Make UK's commitment to sustainability not just a statement but a practical approach. They understand the urgent need to transition to more sustainable manufacturing processes and are dedicated to helping manufacturers reduce their environmental footprint. Their sustainability initiatives are designed to support manufacturers in achieving net-zero emissions, promoting energy efficiency, and adopting more sustainable practices, thereby enhancing their competitiveness and long-term viability.

Networking and collaboration are key components of Make UK’s strategy. They facilitate connections between manufacturers, fostering an environment where businesses can share knowledge, best practices, and innovative ideas. Manufacturers can engage with industry leaders, policymakers, and experts through their events and conferences, gaining valuable insights to drive their businesses forward.

Make the UK is not just preparing for the future of the manufacturing industry; they are actively shaping it. Their apprenticeship programs are not generic but tailored to meet the sector's specific needs, providing young people with the skills and experience required to succeed in manufacturing careers. By investing in the development of new talent, Make UK is ensuring that the UK manufacturing sector remains robust, dynamic, and ready for the challenges of the future.

In addition to its support services, Make UK plays a crucial role in policy advocacy. It works closely with government bodies to influence policies that affect the manufacturing sector, ensuring that manufacturers' interests are represented at the highest levels. Its research insights provide valuable data and analysis that inform policy decisions, helping to create a favourable environment for manufacturing growth.

Overall, Make UK is a cornerstone of the UK manufacturing sector, providing the support, resources, and advocacy necessary to drive sustainable growth and innovation. Their commitment to excellence ensures that UK manufacturing remains competitive globally, and their comprehensive range of services supports manufacturers in every aspect of their business. By fostering collaboration, promoting sustainability, and advocating for the sector, Make UK is instrumental in shaping the future of UK manufacturing.